How to Choose Your Shed Size
This is part three in a series of articles with tips for purchasing a shed. View part one and part two.
In this short article, we explain how to choose the best size shed to suit your needs.
Now that you’ve decided what the purpose of your shed is, its time to decide what size shed you need. While you don’t want to get something that’s far larger than what you need, neither do you want something that ends up being too small. For this reason, Watson Buildings employs shed experts who can discuss ideas with you and make recommendations based on how much storage you need.
So what size do I need?
Think about the stuff you will be storing inside. Is it mostly totes and boxes, or do you have garden tools, lawnmowers, UTV’s, etc. that need to be stored as well? An easy way to estimate how much space you will need is to layout the larger items you will be storing in your backyard, leaving an ideal amount of space between them to still be able to maneuver and walk around in the shed.
Then, take a tape measure and measure the perimeter around the items. A good rule of thumb is to go with the next size larger if your site allows it. The reasoning behind this is that most people find, once they have a shed conveniently located in their backyard, it fills up much quicker than expected. If you don’t have the space to go larger, consider utilizing lofts and shelving options to take more advantage of vertical space and save room on the floor.
In conclusion…
It may seem like a lot of effort to make some of these early decisions, but if you take the time to consider these things before you make your purchase, you’ll save yourself a lot of headache years down the road.
We strive for excellence in everything we do, and our shed experts are more than happy to talk to you and help you make some of these occasionally overwhelming decisions. Just give us a call at (931) 635-2244 or send us a message!
Next: Top 3 Considerations Before Purchasing a Shed
Previous: The Ultimate Guide to Shed Options